The Law Doesn't Work

Nehemiah 5 to 8

Episode 138 on the Read and Rant Podcast

Today, we conclude our reading of the book of Nehemiah. Things seemed to be going well!! The temple was rebuilt, the wall was restored, and the people covenanted with God again to submit to the Law. By every measure, Nehemiah should feel that he brought the children of Israel back on the right path. But after spending some time with King Artaxerxes, he returns to find the people deviated again from God, profaning the temple and the Law. The book closes with the words, “Remember me, O my God, for good.” What Nehemiah didn’t realize that we now know is that the Law doesn’t work to transform people. We need to seek a transformation of heart that can only come from Jesus.


If I Perish, I Perish


Read It and Weep?