I'm Frustrated, but I Trust You!

Job 10 to 14

Episode 143 on the Read and Rant Podcast

Today we read Job 10 to 14 where we see Job’s third friend, Zophar, implore him to repent. Just like the first two friends, they believed Job was going through all of this because he sinned against God! Job starts by defending himself but then quickly moves to a discourse about who God is rather that what He is going through. That’s the wisdom that we in Christ have through our bouts of suffering. Suffering gives us a wisdom not only about life but about God! It should remind of the reality that wisdom comes at a cost. If you show me a wise person, I’ll show you someone who’s been through it! But Job also reveals to us that even though he knew who God was in his mind, he was still given the freedom to come to God with how he feels. Job isn’t in conflict. He knows who God is but he also knows how he feels. So today, if you’re going through it. It’s safe to come to God with how you feel, no matter how dark and hopeless it may seem. But come to God with the confidence of what you know about who He is!


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Pain is an Invitation